
Telerik is a company which makes rich controls and components of windows, ASP.NET, WPF etc. basically controls for .net framework. The company concentrates on more easier and enjoyable software development. It gives companies of different measures great tools for managing, collaborating and developing their software richer and fluid. It provides great services to technical and business professionals broaden their productivity. Some of the tools made by them are ground breaking and made some of the best names in industry their client.

They have a long list of products like rad controls that works with ajax, jquerry etc. the controls can be summarized like this. ajax controls, wpf, silverlight, ORM tools, win controls and unit testers for .net projects. The extensions for are a lightweight framework to build rich UI for MVC applications. It extensions are mainly based on jquery and give htmlhelper object to render user interface elements. It also helps to manage rich web assets like JavaScript and CSS and supports multi view engines.

Let’s talk about the different tools this company makes in detail. First, let’s talk about developer tools.

  1. Presentation layer tools- tools for user interface components like ASP.NET AJAX, windows phone 7 and any other windows forms, silverlight and extensions for ASP.NET MVC. They are mostly RadControls.
  2. Report engine- they have a great product called Telerik Reporting by which embedded and printable reports for .net platforms can be created.
  3. Productivity- essential tools for productivity is made by this enterprise like code analysis, refactoring, decompiling, mocking and memory and performance proofing etc.
  4. Accessing data- a tool called OpenAcess is also made to build powerful data layer through a visual designer for all popular databases.
  5. Kendo UI- it is this company’s most interesting and popular product which is everything you need to build websites or mobile apps with JavaScript and html5

Some other type of tools are also made by this company like

  • Automated testing tools- the product is called Test Studio which is a premium tool for automatic testing of WPF, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight and MVC applications.
  • Sitefinity- it is a web content management and collaboration tool for application development, automated software testing, managing project and reporting. Many great companies and associations like Kodak, Reuters, Vodafone, Microsoft and most importantly NASA use this tool for their software development.
  • TeamPlus- it is a project management tool that support teams to organize their work, share their knowledge and helps them deliver great results. In their words, deliver more than expected


It is an ultimate toolset for professional developers created by Telerik. It is mainly for those people who are targeting Microsoft platforms. It is bundled with all you need to build web or mobile app. It delivers rich and high performing controls for all types of UI platforms. It is being used by more than 100000 developers every day.

The things included in DevCraft:-


Productivity tools- JustMock, JustCode, JustDecompile, JustTrace

Data tools- Reporting, OpenAccess ORM